EVO group is a human development company

EVO group is a human development company founded in 2012 that offers courses and workshops in different topics. Our mission is to provide value added training to arm people and companies against the changing world with efficiency, creativity, consistency, and flexibility. Our Vision is to become an effective partner in human development guiding people and companies along their path of success and development. COURSES: Soft Skills courses: Self Motivation Stress Management Communication Skills Happy Parenting Dealing with Change Hearing Vs Listening IT Course: Introduction to Microsoft Office and Internet Web Designing Graphic Designing Artistic Course: Creative writing Short Story Writing Journalistic Writing Photography Drawing and Painting Important Note to D&G’s Online Recruitment Fans: D&G’s Online Recruitment members who will register in this course will get a loyalty card from EVO Group. The loyalty card will entitle you a 10% discount on all EVO Group’s courses till the end of 2013. For registration, please send me your name, number & email as to engy.samir@gmail.com or call me 01090112587 with Course name in the email subject. EVO Group’s Contact Details: Address: 14B Samir Mokhtar St., off Nabil El Wakkad, Ard El Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. Phone: 02 2414 9915 Mobile: 010 266 77 486 Email: info@evogroup-eg.com

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